Monday, December 07, 2009 is one of my regular mor... is one of my regular morning reads.  Actually, it is more of a scan of the front page to see if they have any news that cyclingnews does not.  Rarely, does that happen because it is just not very good for timely reporting of news.  They do occasionally have a feature article thats interesting or some technical questions answered that can be useful.

One item on their website that I rarely pay any attention to is the "Rider Profile" section.  One thing I find odd is that it is not uncommon for the profiled rider to be somebody that I have never, ever heard of in my life.  I'm not Mr Know-it-all about pro cyclists but I do follow the sport pretty closely and think I know a large number of riders.  Regardless, the "Rider Profile" typically basic rider info like nationality, team, height, weight, what type of rider they are and palmares for a rider.

Sunday night I was up late waiting for some processes at work to complete so I had time to kill.  I scrolled down the Velonews page and glanced at the Rider Profile and saw they had chosen to profile Didier Henriette Henriette.

Who?  Didier Henriette Henriette?

What an interesting name.  Folks with double names strike me funny for some reason.  The first person I knew about with that type of naming was former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.  A classic name in my book.  More recently in the news was Afghani presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah.  Unfortunately, he lost a controversial election so the world was left searching for a new double-namer.  Naturally, the news of a cyclist named Didier Henriette Henriette got me a little excited.

Much to my chagrin Velonews just has bad webmasters.  This became evident when today's featured rider was Jake Rytlewski Rytlewski.  But, I digress.

When I saw the name Didier Henriette Henriette I had to click on his name to find out more about this soon-to-be favorite cyclist of mine.  Below is what I found, thanks to Velonews.


Call me crazy but, if Velonews is going to profile someone, should they not have just a tiny bit more information than his nationality and date of birth.  Is that really a rider profile?  Do they not even know what team pays Monsieur Henriette Henriette's salary?

Why even bother. 



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