Monday, February 23, 2009

Stop it!

By most accounts, this year's Tour of CA was a great success. Four years have passed and the race continues to grow. More days of racing. More top riders. There is talk of moving the race to later in the season and expanding to two weeks. Everything looks rosy for the future. However, someone needs to take a stand.

I hereby call for the cancellation of the 2010 Tour of California. Don't even start planning for next year. The race is on the edge of a metaphorical cliff and I feel it is necessary to take drastic action in order to secure a brighter future.

This year, the Tour organizers pleaded with fans to not paint the roads and use chalk instead. From what I could see on TV, or couldn't see through the chalk cloud at the Stage 4 finish, the fans heeded the organizer's requests and shied away from using paint. I applaude the fans for their restraint. Unfortunately, this limitation on fan behavior seemed to reveal an even uglier side to the fans. Then running nutcase.

Yes, there is something of a tradition by some fans in Europe to run with the peloton as they climb a mountain. You always see a few of them on a stage and, occasionally, you find yourself yelling at the TV screen for them to get out of the way. For the most part, though, they seem relatively unobtrusive. Maybe its the gendarmes that are placed periodically along the route.

The fans in California seemed to be trying WAY to hard to show how that they are good fans. Either that or they are in a desperate, futile attempt to be the next Didi Senfft. Every 10 seconds I was wanting to hurl a rock at the TV as some loony bin ran up the mountain. I have a special message Mr Texas Longhorn Guy, "Get the f' out the middle of the road you mental giant." Apparently, the size of your horns is in inverse proportion to the size of your brain.

There was one annoying character after another clogging up the screen. Mr Giant Antler Guy. Mr Big Hair Superfan Guy. Mr Hold My Baby in front of the Peloton Guy. The Mr Giant Sumo Outfit Guys. Like thats not an accident waiting to happen. And what is the deal with Californians penchant for running in their Speedos. It seemed like two-thirds of the egomaniacal camera hogs were showing much too much doughy, soft skin For the love of God, we don't want watch you jiggling and wiggling up the mountain.

This behavior seems far more rampant than the road painting was in the past. I think a year layoff may be needed for the fans to just calm down a little decorum. See you in 2011, Tour of CA.

Addendum: No, I'm not against folks having fun, cheering or being a little rowdy. Yes, I was running around with a bunch of Giant Sharks at Cross Nats but we were always behind the course tape and never interfering with the race.


Blogger James Nelson said...

Sharks always swim on the safe side of the race course.

12:17 PM  
Blogger Jeff Yielding said...

I saw one rider on Sunday's stage punch one of those nuts in the side of the face. I too think the running fans need to bring it down a notch.

12:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More running fans, please. The goofier, the better. I never had so much fun marveling and shaking my head at the idiocy. Who doesn't hope against hope that one of them will fall, or get run over, or get punched by a rider? It's all fun - bring it on!

p.s. I loved the chalk dust finish - it was an eery scene, almost as if the riders were arriving from outer space.

7:19 PM  

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