You can stop mocking my faded yellow helmet. I'm gettin' me a shiny, new lid so shut yer yappers.
I'm always willing to take an opportunity to mock "Il Pagliacco" Bettini whether it is deserved or not. Look at this picture by Birke Ulrich. I am sure it is the angle that the photo was taken, but does his bike not look like something from a circus or Shriner's parade. This thing looks like a 25cm bike.
I'm always willing to take an opportunity to mock "Il Pagliacco" Bettini whether it is deserved or not. Look at this picture by Birke Ulrich. I am sure it is the angle that the photo was taken, but does his bike not look like something from a circus or Shriner's parade. This thing looks like a 25cm bike.

So what color will the new lid be? Will you paing it yellow?
it won't be all yellow, but a yellow fade! ;)
I'm setting aside my craving for a Catlike Whisper and getting the team buy Giro Atmos. Supposed to be blue and black. Getting some Oakly glasses too.
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