Thursday, August 14, 2008

As suspected, my right calf was bruised from my spill on Tuesday evening.  My body had a general ache.  Legs, knee and shoulder all hurt in one way or the other. 

Despite the soreness, I rode up to school for another ride.  The place was full of people again.  Apparently, that is normal on a weekday evening.  I had no desire to be riding with people scattered about and annoying them as much as they annoy me.  Plan B was to go to Suson Park.  Suson had quite a few people, too, but it is a larger area so it was possible to ride a little more freely.  After a few improvised laps, I decided on some hill repeats up the big grassy hill.  The first ascent was done in the 42x17 and it was a slow, mashing, grind to the top.  Each time up the was ridden using one gear up the cassette.  Each climb did get easier despite fatigue setting in.  My upper body felt really weak although some of it may be a result of my falling on my left shoulder Tuesday.  Still, I feel the need to be stronger.  Regardless, it was a good, hard workout and still had about four hills on the way home.

Random observations from my trip to KC and beyond:
1)  The 9(?) yr old that won the kid's race on Sunday was a riot.  He had a huge lead but was throwing his bike from side to side like Djamolidine Abdoujaparov and 100ft from the line looks back, realized he was going to win and extends his arms in a victory salute and then punches the air with his fist.  The kid has watched a few cycling videos, I think.
2)  Out of curiosity, I looked to see what the hotel's vending machine was selling.  Sometimes you find curious items and this was no exception.  Down in the lower right corner, where the big ticket items reside was a container of tuna salad.  I'm sure it is safe to eat and tuna is normally sold unrefrigerated but there is something seems wrong with selling tuna in a vending machine. 
3)  The Olympics started while I was in KC and, with not much else to kill the time, I watched a good amount of coverage.  The first think that I wanted to know was when did Bob Costas start dyeing his hair?
4)  What the heck is Equestrian Dressage doing in the Olympics?  Judged sports should not be in the Olympics to begin with but judging a horse prancing around a ring may take the cake.  And then the announcers had the gall to mention how physically demanding the event is for the horse.  Spare me.  You just know Big Brown was sitting on his couch, watching the TV and rolling his eyes when he heard that comment.
5)  While getting ready for work this morning, the Russia vs Lithuania basketball match was on MSNBC.  When did the Russians start having brothas on the basketball team? 

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Blogger Boz said...

Equestrian Dressage, give me a freaking break. What's next the Westminster Kennel Club? The horse does everything? I mean the guy or gal can't win on a Clydesdale, so WTF???? You certainly hit the nail on the head.

9:01 PM  
Blogger Ted C. MacRae said...

#3 - about the same time I did.

5:32 PM  

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