Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Flanders picks and other stuff

Quite a good weekend of picks for Sunday's Tour of Flanders. If I had allowed myself to change my Ciolek pick at the last moment, I would have had 2nd, 3rd (with Gilbert) and 4th. Instead, I had to settle for Ciolek's stellar 111th place instead of Gilbert's podium finish.

Time to start thinking about this week's Roubaix and finding out who I can and cannot pick.

Last week was also my first full of training under coach Louie. I found it to be a good week of training. The workouts were reasonably hard but not ball-busting. Not yet, at least. As the weeks build, I'm sure the training will naturally become harder and harder. If nothing else I feel commited to following the workouts that are given. I find it much to easy to rationalize skipping a workout normally. Now, I feel an obligation to follow the plan and see where it takes me.

I was a little concerned after Saturday's ride. My legs were tight and stiff all evening. This didn't seem good the night before our race at Tilles Park. But, when I woke up Sunday they were better. Not 100%, maybe 95%. Warming up, the legs did not have much snap but felt fine otherwise.

The race started and everything felt fine. The flowing nature of the course may have helped by cutting down on the accelerations needed but I felt powerful and did some okay work. I'm curious to see where this training takes me and whether the goals can be achieved.


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