Friday, December 11, 2009

Brad Wiggins long-rumored and often d...

Brad(ley) Wiggins long-rumored and often denied signing with Team Sky finally happened this week.  His departure is rather low-class in my view.  For months he has been denying any move to Sky and then he would turn around say something in the press that would clear(ley) indicate his desire to switch teams.  That would then lead to more denials, etc, etc, etc.


Now, a little more than a month before the 2010 season starts, he leaves the team with whom he has signed a contract.  Transfers and buyouts are nothing new in cycling but it has always seemed to happen earlier than December.  Particular(ley) someone who is thought to be a team leader.


Out of curiosity, I looked for info on Roberto Heras' switch from Kelme to US Postal in 2000.  Heras' transfer was similar.  He was a team leader still under contract with Kelme for another year.  Heras official(ley) signed with Postal on November 5th.   But, he revealed on Sept 19 that he had a verbal agreement with US Postal.


Even more regrettable than Brad(ley)'s late signing are the photos taken at the Team Sky press conference.  Sorry, but neck scarves and velvet jackets do not belong in cycling.  I think Brad(ley) had a few extra pints at the pub to cause him to dress so bad(ley)


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