Friday, July 06, 2007

Time to vent:
I HATE drivers that will skip by an entire right turn lane and drive up an empty straight-ahead lane and promptly turn right when the light changes.  Burn in motorists hell!
Last night I was watched the Cardinals game.  During commercial breaks I would flip over to Larry King.  Larry is not something I normally watch but every few months I may flip past it.  That show is a trainwreck.  Larry had Al Gore as a guest pimping his LiveEarth crap, er, concert.  There were two things wrong with the show from the time that I watched.  Problem #1 was Larry King and #2 was Al Gore.  Can Larry be a bigger senile prune face?  At one point Al was being oh-so-serious and concluding his statement by saying we only had 10 yrs to fix our climate problems.  That seems like a serious comment that Larrry could use to follow up with a probing question.  Wrong.  Instead, Larry asks "How did you get Madonna to appear?"  Huh?  What?  Excuse me?  From what I could tell his questions were like that all night, going from one stray thought in his mind to another whether they had any connection or not.
Then there was oh-so-serious Al.  People still tout him as a possible presidential candidate but that appearance last night reminded me of what a completely unlikeable person he is.  The slicked back hair.  The annoying speech patterns and lisp.  The "I know better than you" preachiness despite his oil company investments and huge energy usage.  The fake hipness, trying to say what a wonderful guy the lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas and what great original songs the Peas and Madonna have written for LiveEarth.  Please!  You're a stiff, overweight, white guy with a lyric banning wife. 

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