Saturday, October 06, 2007

Giuseppe and I had an unexpected attendee to the Columbia ride today. Mike Daley, who lives a few miles away, showed up. We did a fairly typical route except we didn't turn down Gall on the way back. Instead, we continued on Hwy 15something to New Hanover and eventually down to the Bluff Rd, to Fountain Lake and back on the Levee. We had a nice tailwind on the Levee.

I seem to have started a new tradition of crashing once a month. We were going along Gilmore Lake and I wandered into some deep gravel on the side of the ride. I made a desperate attempt to stay up and just as I thought it would happen, down I went on the left side. We were going fairly slow and I caught myself pretty well. Except for a knee that is a little scraped up and minor damage to the handlebar tape, all is well.

I was on surprisingly good form today. For the most part, I controlled any efforts but a few times I opened it up and was very pleased.


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