Thursday, November 29, 2007

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

I had most of this week off work with plans of good training in advance of the State Championships and going to KC the week after. Instead, immediately after the race my eyes ached. Despite wearing glasses, both my eyes had grit and grim land in them. They were very uncomfortable Sunday evening. Monday was not much better but with each day they have improved slightly.

On top of the eye problem, I started sniffling Sunday evening. My condition held steady through Tuesday but I cancelled the road ride I had planned for Tuesday. Like a fool I went to Spinning Tuesday night and woke up Wednesday feeling pretty poor. My plans for a Covered Bridge ride were scuttled. Instead of a good long ride I was left to give a good bike scrubbing and feel miserable the rest of the day.

I felt a bit better today and managed to ride down to Suson on the cross bike. I didn't push very hard but wanted to work the legs a little and practice shouldering the bike. We never have a need to carry the bike normally but it will be necessary in Herrmann. I'm satisfied with how well it went. Maybe I can get out tomorrow again for some more practice.

The weekend is looking ugly. Sleet on Saturday and then rain the rest of the weekend. Unger Park could be sloppy. I'm not sure exactly where in the park we will be racing but there are not a lot of places to put on a race in that park. I keep picturing a section that is like a bowl. If it is rainy then we could be riding through a bog in places


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