Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Time for a little catch up.


Saturday we had a tidy group of nine 3's meet in Columbia for a little team building type of ride with a little bit of structure to it.  Regardless, it was 70 miles of cool, clear November glory.


Sunday we raced #4 of the Bubba Memorial at Faust Park.  Some originality was used to create a little bit different course than in the past.  Well done.  I got a crappy starting position and settled for gradually picking guys off.  It worked well enough as I finished 17th but I wasn't very satisfied.  Also, for the third time in four races, Heffernan passed me on the final lap.  This week I didn't even know he was close.  That stuff has to come to an end.


Monday was the team meeting and I ordered a new CAAD 9.  The urge for a System or Super Six was strong but there is nothing wrong with the standard CAAD frames and the money saved could go to some wheels or another trip somewhere or even a new CX bike or fixed gear.


Reader Pat Rice wished to be linked to Johan Bruyneel.  At the time I was unaware, or too dim witted, to recognize the name Pat Rice and his illustrious career.  I entered Mr. Rice's name in a .wks, converted the file to a .csv, massaged the data in an .mdb and came up with absolutely nothing. 


Fortunately, Mr Rice revealed himself to me.  So, I present Mr Rice's oh so very few degrees from Johan Bruyneel (not counting his taking a pee in a neighboring urinal)…


Pat Rice races with Aaron Hinni

Aaron Hinni raced with Kevin Livingston

Kevin Livingston was coached by Johan Bruyneel


3 degrees


Caveat:  Aaron may not have raced with Kevin but I'm sure raced with someone on the Spirits who did race with Livingston.  I'm a little fuzzy on my Spirits rosters.  A fourth degree may be needed if Aaron missed the Livingston era by a year or two.

Peek-a-boo FREE Tricks & Treats for You! Get 'em!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No need for 4 degrees:

Pat Rice -> Chris Petty
Chris Petty -> Lance Armstrong
Lance Armstrong -> John Bruyneel

7:41 AM  

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