Saturday, October 08, 2005

Joe and I knocked around JB for a couple hours on the CX bikes. Sometimes we went harder, sometimes less so and practiced remounts etc. Joe was a little rusty in the technique department. His collarbone derailed last years season so it had been about 20 months since he had been on the CX bike.

The goofiest part of the day was toward the end as we were taking it easy and cooling down. I decided to check out a trail at the west end of the park. It was a little overgrown but I had ridden it once before a couple years ago and it didn't look too bad. This isn't a huge piece of land but once we got a couple hundred feet in, any clear delineation of where the trail completely disappeared. We began walking around in clueless stupor trying to pick up the trail again. We did this for what seemed like a half hour. Finally I went up a trail that took me to a spot we had already passed. I spotted a different way this time and the path looked promising. I called to Joe and he tracked me down. Thankfully, this path emptied out onto the soccer field that I expected. However not at the spot that I expected. I still have no clue how to get to the far end of the field but we were not about to wander back into those woods and get lost again.


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