Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tuesday night trainer session this evening. After a warmup, it was time for intervals. First, a series of five 1-minute intervals. Then I built a pyramid up to a 5-minute interval with equal rests. On the way down the pyramid I skipped the 4-minute and both a 3 and 2-minute before wrapping up with another set of five 1-minute efforts. Painfully good stuff.

By the end of the workout I had put paid to my old Conti trainer tire. I had worn down the thread to a point where a nice inch and a half long gash opened up. I could pull back the paper thin rubber and see all the threads. Semi-interesting stuff.


Blogger Bobber said...

Intervals, intervals, we love intervals. Pain, pain. No pain, no gain.

11:01 AM  

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