Friday, January 27, 2006

This has been a crappy week. My usual work schedule did not happen. I did not know about this schedule change until Monday morning when my boss walked in the door. He then let me know that I was supposed to sit with the guy from HP and watch the installation and software setup of a Virtual Tape Server. What resulted, was turning in mini-Fuller hours. Something in the range of 55 hrs this week. Those aren't outrageous hours but my schedule was messed up enough that I had no desire to hop on the trainer after eating dinner.

Saturday looks like a washout so it will be trainer time. I will have to decide what kind of ride to do.

Oh yeah, I was lucky enough to get out of work before 5 on Tuesday so at least made it to Spinning Tuesday. Amy ran us through the wringer. It seemed like a difficult class. Blogger was down that night so I couldn't post it.

Ride time: about 1:05


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