Thursday, May 03, 2007

I was able to sneak out between the raindrops Wednesday evening for a half hour. The pavement was still damp and some very light drizzle was falling. There was no wasting time and I went pretty hard from the get go. I was cautious going around the turns but otherwise didn't lollygag. I managed to squeeze in three laps of my neighborhood loop before the rain began to fall more steadily. I felt pretty good.
Here's a news story you likely wouldn't brag about to your friends...

A man in South Africa was robbed by armed thieves who broke into his house – then stripped him naked and superglued him to his exercise bike. The man was forced to look on, helpless, at the burglars ransacked his house, and helped themselves to his finest Chivas Regal Scotch whiskey while they were at it.

The men – smartly dressed in suits – kidnapped the man in an affluent Johannesburg suburb, and forced him to take them to his house. Once there, they made him strip, then superglued him to the seat of the exercise bike. The also superglued his hands and feet, and – just to make sure – superglued his mouth shut as well.

The man was only discovered when his partner arrived home several hours later. He was eventually removed from the exercise bike by emergency services, using a mixture of chemicals and Vaseline.


Blogger Patrick said...

Upon finding him at home in such a state, his partner was noted to have remarked, "I come home to find you naked, with vaseline all over your hands, feet, mouth, and arse, while you're sitting on the exercise bike? And you're trying to tell me that it was burglars who did this to you? Do you really take me for that big of a fool?!?!?!?!?"

Kind of like that cyclist, Lowik, whose wrist and bootie were both injured...there's the reason given and the real reason!

8:39 PM  

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