Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I had no urge to go to Tues Worlds tonight. Instead, I told myself I would do something on the trainer. After dinner, though, I got wayyy too comfortable lounging around. Seven o'clock rolled around and my conscience got the best of me. I knew I had to ride a little. Cursing and moaning to myself, I pulled on my shorts and shoes. If the bike had not already been on the trainer I doubt I would have ridden.

While I only spent an hour riding, it may have turned out to be a very important ride. After a few minutes I began to notice how far much I seemed to be reaching for the brake hoods. Initially, I dismissed my observation but clearly something was different. I dropped a plumb line and my position was definitely further back than normal. The seat was still firmly tightened down so I'm not sure how it could have moved or even how long I have been in that position. It was so out of whack I surely would have noticed before tonight. But, maybe not. Anyway, I pushed my saddle forward and I'm back to my normal position.

I'd like to blame my recent races on this position but I can't do that and be honest with myself. It's too easy of an excuse. It could not have helped me at all, though.


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