Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Sunday was the annual Gran Fondo Ste Genevieve.  This was the warmest edition of the ride yet.  That warmth was nice for the start of the ride.  I would have been much happier with a cooler finish, however. 
I really enjoy this ride but it turned into hell for me.  After crossing the river, my legs were a little heavy on the way into Prairie du Rocher.  Nothing unusual about that.  We stopped again in Prairie and something went wrong after that.  Maybe it was the extra drink I gulped down or the Honey Bun I gobbled up or the sandwich in Ste Genevieve, but I was nauseous when we started rolling again.  Sometimes you can ride through some stomach discomfort as the food digests.  It just didn't happen this time. 
On one hand, I needed to drink to combat the leg cramps that were quickly setting in and on the other hand my stomach was saying "No mas, no mas".   With each mile my legs lost strength. 
Another stop at Maeystown Rd gave me a little boost of energy but it soon faded and I slowly slid deeper into a hole that I couldn't escape.  My body's reserves dipped lower and my speed went slower.  Eventually I bottomed out and reached a level that I have had 2 or 3 times before.  A zen-like, but scary, zone.  A combination of determination, lightheadedness and very little thought process.  At the same time I am almost involuntarily pedaling despite a complete lack of strength. 
I finished the ride and fired up the car's AC for some cool air and had to sit for a few minutes to regain a little composure.  Another symptom of these deep holes that I sometimes ride myself into is that my hearing becomes muffled or hollow.  Even my own voice sounds distant.  I had the same sort of conditions on the Stelvio this spring with the dazed thoughts, bad hearing, etc.  Somehow, I make it through the end of these rides but pushing myself to that point of exhaustion is scary.  Next year will be different.

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