Sunday, January 10, 2010

Good times.

Good times.

I actually managed to tick off a reader.  For years I have dispensed innocuous, mindless drivel onto this little nook of the interwebs for my own amusement.  Why anybody would bother to read this blog is beyond me but, apparently a few people are masochists and submit themselves to my random thoughts.

My hit counts are staggering low.  Google tells me, for instance, that I have averaged 8.5 visitors per day this month.  How can I have .5 visitors?  My guess is that my anonymous, angry reader is only half a person.

A full person could not possibly be so conceited as to think that only design school graduates can express opinions about race kits.  How dare I, the stylistically challenged and uneducated, dare suggest that Team Sky's blue stripe and giant lightbulb design on the back of their jerseys is bad.  I just do not understand the genius of the design.

Get accustomed to my comments Anonymous Style Expert, there will be more.


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