Thursday, September 15, 2005

Okay, I'm ticked off enough about the spam comments to try Blogger's solution which will require the poster to type in an additional word before the comment will be accepted. I don't feel like dealing with Haloscan right now. Maybe in the future I will utilize it but not now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jim,

Hopefully it will cut down on the nonsense spam you've been getting. I moved all my blogs away from blogger because of it - hosting my own. Good luck with it.

CAPTCHA, the word type in thing, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

Again, best of luck. I enjoy your posts.


7:02 PM  
Blogger Bobber said...

Another solution is provided by my friend Jon Barlow. Sensus Plenior is $20 a year but with that you get support converting over and no spam. Check it out if you are interested. It is an excellent commenting system and I know of several blogger blogs that are using it successfully.

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ConnectMe will have a kickass blogging tool very soon.

6:20 PM  

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