Four in a row... That is the number of days in a row that I have ridden. Not terribly impressive but not often do I actually ride four in a row. Usually I only do three days before taking a day off because I am not a voracious trainer. Kind of explains my extreme mediocrity, eh?
With Christmas and the Eve falling this weekend I couldn't guarantee much riding so it seemed wise to squeeze in a ride this morning. Besides, the weather was really nice again. Not as nice as the 60 degree temps this afternoon but quite bearable for late December. Why ride this morning? 'Cuz I'm a bad mutha. A hard man borne of the Belgian Classics. And, oh yeah, it was more convenient.
General route was down Kerth to the Bottoms and Baumgartner. Along the way I decided to take Heintz, a road I have not tackled in a few years. From there I got twisted around in a subdivision trying to get to Christopher but got along without too much trouble. Then down Christopher past the White House, down to the river and back up towards Bee Tree. Down Becker and along Fine to Telegraph before taking in the lovely industrial section of Arnold and then up Tenbrook. That was my second time up Tenbrook. There are steeper climbs and longer climbs but Tenbrook has a steep early section and is longer than expected as it levels off near the top but keeps rising gradually. All in all a good road that I'm not sure many cyclists have ridden. From there it was Telegraph to Jeffco Blvd and back home. With a little more time I would have gone down Richardson to Old Lemay to Missouri State, 141 and 21 etc. Still, I got in exactly 2 hrs with some nice hills. The legs felt a little better today.
Viewpoint: Worst Pro jersey anywhere on the planet A strong run for the top spot was put in by Naturino Sapore. Italians are supposed to be very fashionable, no? Consider that myth busted. You would be hard pressed to create a more garish design than Naturino's yellow jerseys with white "bolts of electricity" throughout.

Despite Naturino's stellar efforts, nothing could prevent the top prize being awarded to Kaiku.
Pinkish hues prevented me from possibly giving T-mobile the best jersey award. Kaiku used an even pinker pink than T-mobile as their main thrust into jersey hell. Not satisfied with only a pink top, they made the bold leap into pink shorts as well. You may be asking yourself "Why is pink so bad? The Giro leader wears a pink jersey." You are indeed correct. Something about the hue of "Giro Pink" looks okay but even that was too much when Pantani went with the pink shorts.
I don't HATE pink as a jersey color, but a good complimentary color is vital. This is what pushes Kaiku into the Ugly Stratosphere. What color did they choose to match with their pink? Blue? A little bit. Black? No. Red? Hell no. They chose a very exciting Light Gray, of course. Can it get any worse? Yes it can. Not only did they put light gray on pink but it is a light gray cow standing in a lush light gray field splashed across the riders midsection!!! Oh the humanity! Put on your protective eyewear my friends.
With Christmas and the Eve falling this weekend I couldn't guarantee much riding so it seemed wise to squeeze in a ride this morning. Besides, the weather was really nice again. Not as nice as the 60 degree temps this afternoon but quite bearable for late December. Why ride this morning? 'Cuz I'm a bad mutha. A hard man borne of the Belgian Classics. And, oh yeah, it was more convenient.
General route was down Kerth to the Bottoms and Baumgartner. Along the way I decided to take Heintz, a road I have not tackled in a few years. From there I got twisted around in a subdivision trying to get to Christopher but got along without too much trouble. Then down Christopher past the White House, down to the river and back up towards Bee Tree. Down Becker and along Fine to Telegraph before taking in the lovely industrial section of Arnold and then up Tenbrook. That was my second time up Tenbrook. There are steeper climbs and longer climbs but Tenbrook has a steep early section and is longer than expected as it levels off near the top but keeps rising gradually. All in all a good road that I'm not sure many cyclists have ridden. From there it was Telegraph to Jeffco Blvd and back home. With a little more time I would have gone down Richardson to Old Lemay to Missouri State, 141 and 21 etc. Still, I got in exactly 2 hrs with some nice hills. The legs felt a little better today.
Viewpoint: Worst Pro jersey anywhere on the planet A strong run for the top spot was put in by Naturino Sapore. Italians are supposed to be very fashionable, no? Consider that myth busted. You would be hard pressed to create a more garish design than Naturino's yellow jerseys with white "bolts of electricity" throughout.

Despite Naturino's stellar efforts, nothing could prevent the top prize being awarded to Kaiku.
Pinkish hues prevented me from possibly giving T-mobile the best jersey award. Kaiku used an even pinker pink than T-mobile as their main thrust into jersey hell. Not satisfied with only a pink top, they made the bold leap into pink shorts as well. You may be asking yourself "Why is pink so bad? The Giro leader wears a pink jersey." You are indeed correct. Something about the hue of "Giro Pink" looks okay but even that was too much when Pantani went with the pink shorts.
I don't HATE pink as a jersey color, but a good complimentary color is vital. This is what pushes Kaiku into the Ugly Stratosphere. What color did they choose to match with their pink? Blue? A little bit. Black? No. Red? Hell no. They chose a very exciting Light Gray, of course. Can it get any worse? Yes it can. Not only did they put light gray on pink but it is a light gray cow standing in a lush light gray field splashed across the riders midsection!!! Oh the humanity! Put on your protective eyewear my friends.

Pink, shmink! You have an issue with decorative crotches in the peleton, and you need to confront it and deal with it!
2005 Lampre-Caffita and Kaiku? Both fine kits, but they get thrashed because they have colorful interplay about the crotchual region...maybe I'll post some of the early mockups for the 2006 Big Shark shorts!!!! ;)
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