Monday, December 19, 2005

If you are ever on a JeffCo ride you're bound to ride by, or very near, a meth house. I know some people who lived next to a meth house. The called the cops and got the hoosiers arrested. There was the duplex on Tenbrook Blvd that I would ride by occasionally. The house blew up last year. There was the meth lab under the High Ridge water tower that we rode by almost all the time we ventured into JeffCo. The news today was yet another home explosion in an apartment complex in High Ridge. Every time we ride to High Ridge we briefly ride Williams Creek Rd. I believe that we don't ride that particular section of road but it really is amazing how big of a problem that meth is, just a few miles away. As much as I hate to see the development of all the subdivisions in some great riding areas, maybe it will help clean up the meth labs.

I mentioned a couple days ago that some of my handiwork may appear on another website soon. A few days have passed and still nothing. F#$% you, Pez! :) I will give them a couple more days to come to their senses and post my "Daily Distraction". If not, it will be appearing on this little corner of the web.


Blogger Patrick said...

I thought the same thing when I heard about it on the radio, and Nic posted something about it, too...funny how a Meth story came hit so close to home (in a sense) for so many bike riders! ;)

12:39 AM  

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