This weekend I continued my cycling seclusion, away from prying eyes, as I reach a peak physical condition that will crush all opponents in a couple weeks. Or, maybe not.
Saturday was thick with humidity. Thankfully, it was not terribly hot. I flatted down on the Bottoms as I headed to Arnold. After crossing the river it was all about practicing my sprints. I figure I'm about as fit as I will be for Gateway Cup. There will not be huge gains made this close to Labor Day. So, I've been keeping the rides on the shorter side and working the sprints which I have neglected pretty much all year.
Sunday I left the house just after 10 and got maybe a half mile before the rain started. I was in no mood and headed home. If the radar had not looked so uninviting I may have continued riding but there appeared to be a good amount of rain rolling in. The rain seemed to fade away, though. I snuck back out around 4pm for another attempt. They sky was threatening but it stayed dry for the hour and a half that I rode.
Looks like the Cat 4's at Downer's Grove was a rock'em sock'em affair. Big Shark shows the proper way of going over the handlebars... land on somebody else.

Photo ©: Matthew Moses/
Not to be outdone, the Pro Women said "We don't need to land on anystinkin'body". That's gotta hurt.

Photo ©: Dave Schneider/
Weird things happen in crashes. Afterward, you inspect your body or bike and wonder how a particular scrape or ding happened. I bet if you looked at Tina Pic crash in person you would not have realized that her body contorted the way it did. She probably didn't realize it either.

Photo ©: Dave Schneider/
Saturday was thick with humidity. Thankfully, it was not terribly hot. I flatted down on the Bottoms as I headed to Arnold. After crossing the river it was all about practicing my sprints. I figure I'm about as fit as I will be for Gateway Cup. There will not be huge gains made this close to Labor Day. So, I've been keeping the rides on the shorter side and working the sprints which I have neglected pretty much all year.
Sunday I left the house just after 10 and got maybe a half mile before the rain started. I was in no mood and headed home. If the radar had not looked so uninviting I may have continued riding but there appeared to be a good amount of rain rolling in. The rain seemed to fade away, though. I snuck back out around 4pm for another attempt. They sky was threatening but it stayed dry for the hour and a half that I rode.
Looks like the Cat 4's at Downer's Grove was a rock'em sock'em affair. Big Shark shows the proper way of going over the handlebars... land on somebody else.

Photo ©: Matthew Moses/
Not to be outdone, the Pro Women said "We don't need to land on anystinkin'body". That's gotta hurt.

Photo ©: Dave Schneider/
Weird things happen in crashes. Afterward, you inspect your body or bike and wonder how a particular scrape or ding happened. I bet if you looked at Tina Pic crash in person you would not have realized that her body contorted the way it did. She probably didn't realize it either.

Photo ©: Dave Schneider/
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