Washington Circuit Race on Sunday- Eight laps of a challenging, twisty, ascending and descending course. Fun course. If I were to give a Euro post-race interview to Paul Sherwen my quote would be "I didn't have good sensations today"
The race started with the ever popular un-neutral neutral start. Instead it was a pretty quick effort up the short climb to 2nd Street and a strung out pack to start the race. Oh well, I expected as much. I took up my typical caboose position to start the race and I paid for it on the 2nd lap and and got gapped going up Cedar St. That was pretty much all she wrote.
A water bottle popped out on the 2nd lap, too, I continued to chase, though, and managed to passed and drop a Gateway. Since I was already out of centention, I stopped on the third lap to pick up my water bottle and lost my place again to the Gateway guy. Back to chasing, chasing chasing. Up ahead was a fluid race as Gateway caught Mesa. Mesa dropped off as Gateway caught two Dogfish and Marco while I passed Mesa. One of the Doggies then dropped off and I passed him. On lap 4, I charged down the hill toward Front St to catch Marco, the Gateway and Dogfish. I was going to quit at the end of the lap so I get the big gear rolling into the headwind along Front St. Without any hesitation, I powered right by. I think it startled them to some degree. I know Marco wondered where I came from. They managed to hop on my wheel but it was fun giving the effort and we managed to catch Ted as well at the end of lap 4.
The actual race sucked on my part but the constant chasing actually wasn't that bad of a workout. My heart hasn't really been into the racing lately so I'm happy to be unscathed and will try and get back into it after vacation.
After months of denial Basso admitted today that he was involved in Puerto. I find it unfortunate that it took this long to admit guilt but, when the evidence starts to become overwhelming, what is the point of fighting on. As I wrote a few weeks ago. Take your lumps, admit guilt, don't give all your money to the lawyers and come back in a few years.
Your rep is tarnished but it is tarnished anyway. Actually, I have a little more respect for standing up and taking blame.